Custom engagements provide targeted CFO support
Like a Swiss-Army Knife, we are a specific tool to help with a particular job.
Institutional Finance & OPs Audits
We do practice ODD, so you can remove easy "NOs" during fundraising.
Guided Interviews with GPs and Team
ODD focus is on process, policy, controls, and risk management
This Audit is a key step to building an institutional firm...a current state assessment. Fund Modeling Support
Tactyc has seen rapid adoption in the venture fund manager community. It's a high-end tool, and we'll help you maximize your ROI.
We can quickly audit your set up and give you a diagnostic
We can train your team how to manage a model
We can coach GPs and help them scenario plan - the actual point of Tactyc!
TL;DR we help you get set up and actually use the tool to make decisions.
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